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Blog Inauguration By : Prof. N. L. Vijaykumar, INPE - Brazil


Microsoft OneNote


ü Microsoft OneNote


Microsoft OneNote is a powerful note-taking application that enables you to capture, organize, and access information from a variety of sources. Here is a brief overview of how to use OneNote:

Ø Start by opening Microsoft OneNote and creating a new notebook. You can give the notebook a name and choose where to store it.

Ø Create pages: You can add new pages to your notebook by clicking the "Page" tab and selecting "New Page." You can also create sections within your notebook by clicking "New Section."

Ø Add notes: To add notes to a page, simply click anywhere on the page and start typing. You can format your text using the options in the "Home" tab, such as changing the font, size, and color.

Ø Add images and other media: You can add images, videos, audio recordings, and other media to your notes by using the "Insert" tab. You can also use the "Draw" option to add handwritten notes or sketches.

Ø Organize your notes: You can use tags to categorize and organize your notes. You can find the "Tags" option in the "Home" tab. You can also use the "Page Templates" option in the "Insert" tab to add structure to your notes.

Ø Use OneNote on multiple devices: OneNote is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, so you can access your notes from anywhere. You can also share your notebooks with others by sending them a link.

Ø Search your notes: OneNote has a powerful search feature that enables you to quickly find notes by keywords, tags, or dates. You can access the search feature by clicking the "Find" option in the "Home" tab.

By using these basic steps, you can start using OneNote to capture, organize, and access your notes and information. OneNote offers many more advanced features, such as the ability to add tables, equations, and web clippings, that can help you create even more robust and comprehensive notes

                                                                                            Reasons why you should use ONENOTE


features of one note




Shortcuts for MS OneNote

Ctrl + N : New presentation

Ctrl + O :Open presentation

Ctrl + N: create a new page

Ctrl + T: create a new tab

Ctrl + D: duplicate a page

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N: create a new notebook

Ctrl + 1: set the font size to 1

Ctrl + B: bold selected text

Ctrl + I: italicize selected text

Ctrl + U: underline selected text

Ctrl + Shift + V: paste as plain text

Ctrl + Alt + S: insert a new section

Ctrl + Alt + P: insert a new page

Ctrl + Alt + T: insert a new tab

Ctrl + Alt + R: right-align text

Ctrl + Alt + L: left-align text

Ctrl + Alt + C: center-align text

Ctrl + Alt + J: justify text

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F: apply font formatting to selected text

Ctrl + Alt + 1: set font size to 1

Ctrl + Alt + 2: set font size to 2

Ctrl + Alt + 3: set font size to 3

Ctrl + Alt + 4: set font size to 4

Ctrl + Alt + 5: set font size to 5

Ctrl + Alt + 6: set font size to 6

Ctrl + Alt + 7: set font size to 7

Ctrl + Alt + 8: set font size to 8

Ctrl + Alt + 9: set font size to 9

Ctrl + Alt + 0: set font size to 10

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + B: apply bold formatting to selected text

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + I: apply italic formatting to selected text

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + U: apply underline formatting to selected text

Ctrl + Alt + A: insert a table

Ctrl + Alt + S: insert a table of symbols

Ctrl + Alt + I: insert an image

Ctrl + Alt + L: insert a link

Ctrl + Alt + O: insert an outline

Ctrl + Alt + N: insert a note

Ctrl + Alt + T: insert a tag

Ctrl + Alt + M: insert a math equation

Ctrl + Alt + R: insert a recording

Ctrl + Alt + P: insert a printout

Ctrl + Alt + H: insert a handwriting input

Ctrl + Alt + E: insert an excel spreadsheet

Ctrl + Alt + W: insert a word document

Ctrl + Alt + V: insert a PowerPoint presentation

Ctrl + Alt + Y: insert a YouTube video

Ctrl + Alt + U: insert an audio file

Ctrl + Alt + D: insert a file

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + D: insert a date and time stamp

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T: insert a to-do item

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + M: insert a meeting invitation.

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