Designed by Sony Corporation, AIBO (pronounced eye bow) is an advanced robot created solely for the purpose of entertainment. In Japanese, it means \'companion\', and it is an abbreviation for "artificial intelligence bot\" (bot is short for robot) in English.
The AIBO is a robotic pet and has the capability to interact with its human owner in the same ways as a living pet would.
It is an autonomous robot that has the ability to learn, mature and act on its own in response to stimuli. It can reproduce emotions and is capable of expressing happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear and dislike.It has a touch sensor for non verbal communication, stereo microphones for hearing sound patterns, a color video camera as a vision aid, and a distance detector to help it avoid obstacles.
It has voice recognition components that allow it to be programmed to recognize the name given it by its owners, and understands over 50 verbal commands.
It can be programmed to play games as well.
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